The Sunset Park School of Music provides high-quality music instruction for children and adults of all ages. The school offers a broad program of private music instruction in piano, voice, guitar, strings, woodwinds, brass, accordion, steel drums,and traditional Japanese instruments (koto, hichiriki, shakuhachi), free theory and musicianship classes, free community outreach programs and concerts.
Beginning through advanced levels are taught in most styles, including Classical, jazz, pop, folk and Broadway.
Private Instruction Private lessons of 30, 45 and 60 minutes are given on a weekly basis and are offered to students at least 3 years old, as well as to adults. Beginning through advanced levels are taught. Instruction is available in piano, voice, guitar, strings, woodwinds and brass, accordion, steel drums and traditional Japanese instruments (koto, hichiriki, shakuhachi). Students perform at regularly scheduled concerts throughout the year. Teacher and time arranged with student at registration.
Private Lesson Tuition All fees are based on a 16-week semester. Lessons may be started at any time during the semester and tuition will be prorated accordingly. Tuition may be paid in full or in monthly payments.
Music Theory Sunset Park offers free weekly classes in music theory to registered students. The purpose of these classes is to support the private instruction of the lessons by developing and increasing rhythmic, aural and reading abilities in the fundamentals of music. Music reading, composing, improvisation, listening and performing are important elements in the class. These classes complement and supplement the private lessons and are offered free of charge. All students are urged to attend these classes.
Pre-Professional Training Program The Pre-Professional Training Program offers full scholarships to qualified, talented high school students. Students concentrate on private lessons with additional studies available in theory, chamber music and computer music applications. Students perform regularly at scheduled concerts and events at the school and in the community. The program assists students in preparing for admission to a specialized high music program or college music program. Successful candidates are accepted into the program on a full scholarship basis. Some students, not meeting all the requirements for a full scholarship, will be awarded partial scholarships. Interested students should contact the school for an application and schedule an audition and interview.
Teacher and time arranged with student at registration
Gotham Ensemble The Gotham Ensemble is an ensemble of Western classical instruments (including voice, guitar, and most orchestral instruments) focusing on the performance of classical music.
Milonga Milonga is an instrumental ensemble focusing on the performance of Latin music, Tangomusic and Tango Nuevo music, and other music of Central and South America.
Tokyo to New York Tokyo to New York is a composer/performer collective based at Sunset Park School of Music. "Tokyo to New York” celebrates and features the connections between Tokyo and New York City with a series of concerts and workshops. The concerts feature new works composed for Western classical instruments as well as traditional Japanese and other other Asian traditional instruments. They include a wide variety of styles of music, from Japanese avant-garde to contemporary classical, abstract to minimalism, J-pop to jazz-influenced pieces. The musicians of “Tokyo to New York” , and the students of Sunset Park School of Music have had the opportunity to work with many of the Japanese and American composers programmed in these concerts. The composers have ranged from 19 to 94 years of age. They come from all walks of life and experience: from university students to university professors; from self-taught composers to composers with Ph.Ds; from emerging composers to composers that have won such prominent awards as the Takemitsu Prize, Grammy Award, Latin Grammy Award, and the Pulitzer Prize. Since 2012, “Tokyo to New York” has performed over 100 world premiers and numerous Japan and United States Premiers.
The New York Times selected “Tokyo to New York” concerts as a critics’ concert of the week; NYClassical Review wrote of a “Tokyo to New York” concert as a season highlight; and a review from Lucid CultureMagazine described a “Tokyo to New York” concert as "…a fascinatingly eclectic, virtuosic program of new chamber works."
”Tokyo to New York” にお越しいただき誠にありがとうございます。 「Tokyo to New York」コンサートシリーズは東京とニューヨークで創作される音楽を祝うコンサートシリーズです。いわゆる西洋の楽器と日本の伝統楽器のために作曲された曲目を演奏します。アバンギャルドからコンテンポラリー、前衛からミニマリズム、またはJポップやジャズなど幅の広いスタイルの音楽をお届けします。「Tokyo to New York」コンサートは、日米の作曲家とその両国で活動する演奏家とのコラボレーションによるコンサートです。 初年度2012年以来、「Tokyo to New York」コンサートシリーズで初演した作品数は、世界初演100作品.
米国での「Tokyo to New York」コンサートはニューヨークタイムズ紙の批評家のピックアップ・コンサートとして選ばれ、NYClassical Review紙は「Tokyo to New York」コンサートをニューヨークにおけるコンサートシーズンのハイライトとして紹介しています。 Lucid Culture Magazine は「優れた演奏に裏打ちされたジャンルの広い、新作品を集めた室内楽コンサート」と 評されました。
ニューヨークのオンラインマガジンLucid Cultureには、「ピアシーが奏でる日本とアメリカの作曲家たちによる芳醇なプログラム」、「目を見張るような多様性と技巧性にあふれた室内楽作品は、日本の作曲家によるニューヨークへの視点と、アメリカの作曲家による日本への視点に基づいて書かれている。作品の多くは比較的短いけれども、演奏者たちはみな情熱と深い洞察力、繊細さを持って、多種多様な性格を持つ作品群を見事に解釈してみせた」と評価されています。 Tokyo to New York
The Sunset Park School of Music does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.